I’m Becki, the founder of Little Suitcase. 

I think it’s fair to say that I am absolutely obsessed with travelling, holidays and special places to stay. I am constantly looking for the next adventure and great place to stay and love helping others to do so.  

Before having a family of my own I travelled extensively around the world including for over three years on round the world trips where I sought out adventures and beautiful places to stay. I love places that feel authentic, unique and that are stylish and have a great vibe whether that's a boutique hotel, a local stylish guesthouse or glamping under the stars. 

Now that I have an ever-expanding family of my own, I still want to stay somewhere that’s stylish and special but with all the conveniences I need for my family. 

I can’t deny that having children does change how you travel but it doesn’t have to be for the worse. Since having our family, we’ve tried not to compromise on the quantity or quality of our adventures and are always planning our next trip. Increasingly friends and family were reaching out to us for help after unsatisfying holidays of their own or finding it overwhelming to find somewhere nice.

And so I decided to set up Little Suitcase to help. I am excited about combining my passion with helping families plan exciting and stylish holidays where everyone in the family gets the break they need.

My travel crew


Super passionate about travel and keen to explore the world at every opportunity. Jack is the flight geek of the family, always finding the best deals and knowing about the best hacks to make life as easy as possible when on the road.


Adventurous, fearless and loves being busy and sociable. An absolute chatterbox. Favourite food includes bread and grapes (not very adventurous yet). He likes cuddling (wrestling!?) with his brother and climbing. Loves the beach and going on adventures.


Like a cat, he’s very cuddly and likes to snuggle with anything soft. Loves playing with his brother and climbing over his Mama and Papa. Adores almost all food but especially blueberries. Walks at great speed and is an absolute whirlwind.

Let us find you the perfect family holiday today